Friday, May 13, 2011

Water Experiment - Number 2

Looking into the water systems of the future city, these would be transparent bubble structures placed at the tops of the buildings to provide pressured water. With this experiment we wanted to show what visual qualities the water systems would have.

The water systems of the future city would also work in relation with other areas, like the safety of the city with these water structure bursting in the event of an earthquake to release pressure from the building and feeding the urban gardens within the buildings with the rainwater collection system.

And with all the windy it is the more you would get these beautiful shadows and lights of the water ripples throughout the building.

Cornelia, Rowan and I (Xanthe) spent the afternoon in the photo lab creating these kinds of water bubbles with "fantastic bubbles" (poly vinyl acetate with ethyl acetate fortifiers) that Rowan picked up from the Metshop. We were interested in the form created when the bubble structure deformed and how it meshed against the edges of the surrounding water filled bubbles.

We also took a bunch of video footage scanning the structure and how ripples of the shadows form below. It came through a little bit but the detail was not as great as we would have liked so will be redoing it to get the desired effect. It would be good to relate it more to Wellington like Ross said it would be good to have that idea of how the more wind there is the greater you get this beautiful ripple effect that shines down throughout the building. Where as on a calm day it is not as interesting.

Experiment - Rowan, Xanthe, Cornelia
Photos - Rowan 75% , Xanthe 25%
Lights - Xanthe
Video - Cornelia
Selection of photos - Rowan
Photo Editing - Xanthe, Rowan

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