Monday, May 16, 2011

Water Experiment - Number 3

For the third water experiment Rowan and Jamie created some more of the bubbles because we wanted to capture some better footage of the water ripples.

I (Xanthe) tried to capture with the video the ripple effect created by Cornelia holding the light above and shaking the board. I bought a piece of large clear acrylic from the shop to put the water balloons on instead of using the acrylic cube again.

Ken took some pictures of the 'fun' aspect since we didn't really have so many of them from the first time round.

We are going to do it yet again though with better light and not shake the board like we did this time (made the water bubbles burst and became messy and not easy to create the water effect). We also didn't have a hairdryer to have the proper effect of wind blowing on the bubbles instead of just shaking the board. So after that we kind of gave up and will need to do it again.

The guys are saying to have all the light coming from one side and that should cast shadows. Because there needs to be a lot more light since doing it in the dark just results in a grainy, blurry video.

Bubble blowing & water spitting - Rowan & Jamie
Video - Xanthe, Cornelia
Lighting - Cornelia
Photography - Ken
Clean up of the grossness - Xanthe and Cornelia

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