Friday, May 13, 2011

Plant Experiment

I had a bit of trouble finding a decent plastic to be able to stretch over the plants to get the effect that we wanted, but when we talked to Ross about it, he suggested we use bubble detergent, which resulted in some very beautiful effects. However, it was very hard to capture the detail on camera because the bubble mixture is transparent so you can't really see them in the images. I think we need to get the lighting set up better in order to capture this detail. For now, here are some of the decent images that we got out of this initial experiment...

Although it just looks like the leaves are going straight through the bubble, there is actually a fine coating that gets applied to the leaf when it protrudes through the bubble, creating this beautiful marbling texture on the surface of the leaf.

Photos taken by Justin
Experiment carried out by Cornelia and Xanthe

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