Monday, May 23, 2011

Expandable foam

After meeting with Ross, he suggested to experiment with Gorilla foam (Expandable foam) this experiment i looked at the chemical reaction, also how much can the foam expanded....

I used a blue glove fill with plaster and put the foam surround it, the blue glove it to show the human form inside the bubble (personal protection) when it active.... I used half of the Gorilla can about= 400ml, after a day it expanded a lot, i think its about 5times bigger form the start...

First 3 photos show the before and after:

With this photo brought me an idea for the material, which is this can be eatable, because what will be happen if earthquake or tsunamis....the people may stuck in the building or floating on the flood or sea...if this event happened the people will stay in the bubble (personal protection) for days and days till to get rescue .....this material will give people energy to keep them alive.

Experiment: Jamie, Ken

photography: Ken

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