Friday, May 6, 2011

Everything we discussed on Friday 06/05/11

Everything we discussed on Friday 06/05/11

SPACES – what this space is, adaptation of all ideas in to a solution for 2040

  • Not creating architecture but stealing architecture from other buildings
  • Working to both a conventional buildings strength and weakness to create a symbiotic relationship
  • Using these spaces to create a greater community feel and eliminating the current physical and emotional contact between buildings and people within them
  • Make the current CBD fun and enjoyable

These space could be used for
  • gardens
  • water
  • living
  • fun
  • meeting
  • working
  • retail
  • transportation
  • walking
  • piping systems – wind, water, waste
  • recycling 

How the space or environment could be changeable

  • walking route as buildings change, people can no longer walk on the footpath, their path becomes path of lease resistance
  • roads become more fluid as obstacles encroach roadways
  • deconstruction of buildings, fall down, pushed down, reconverted
  • ownership of space, air, buildings, roads
  • light qualities
  • views from below at people and bubble
  • wind tunnels separate from people tunnels
  • plants growing changing
  • blob buildings or buildings buildings
  • popping of bubble – cats with socks!


  • Fluid forms of spaces, tunnels, environment
  • Dynamic matericals moving and changing over time, hard materials that move slowly, Fluid material , Glass, Cornstarch, Rowans magic goo.
  • Forms over PVC, Bulge / Push imprints
  • Textures, colours
  • Interaction of material with buildings, plants, water, soil, light, rain, wind, pollution, tsunami people
  • digitally programmable
  • ECO friendly, biodegradable

  • Current Specifications: hard, mould able, changeable, waterproof, grown, able to be regenerated, recyclable, clear, light, digitally controllable, strong, eco friendly


  • Quality Photos, light interaction
  • Focusing light beams for power, heating
  • Colours textures
  • Feeding Eden, veins?, capillaries?
  • Rainwater filtration
  • Membrane filtration


  • People enjoy plants
  • Community gardens
  • Water, Light, Temperature, Types Of Plants, Smells, Food
  • Types of plants, fruit trees, vegetables, self sufficient?
  • Micro climate control in Wellington, light hours
  • Material interaction with plants, pressure, growing with
  • Weight of plants
  • Plants support structure?
  • Conversion of materials into usable gases


  • Light focusing of water onto solar
  • Tidal
  • Wind
  • Solar
  • Rain


  • Tsunami day!! or death day
  • Water Quality pictures
  • Making Tsunami fun – watching tsunamis
  • Explosions, inflations
  • Initial explosion – maintaining pressure of inflations, inflation period, during tsunami or before
  • Where are the walls and why
  • Physical requirements


  • slides everywhere
  • slingshot
  • go cart
  • wind tunnel – power free
  • bouncy castle!

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