Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Water Storage for Buildings

Talking to our group Ross brought up the idea of how water systems and or storage could be in the future for buildings. That we could store water on top of buildings and if in the event of a earthquake these water storages would explode, releasing pressure from the building.

I've started thinking about the ways in which new water storage systems could be designed to better suit Wellington city in 2040.

The benefits for storing water of top of buildings and in translucent material and that could be further explored are -
-Reduction of weight on a building in the event of a earthquake.
-Sunlight heating the water through a translucent material that it is contained in - possibly
-This storage of water on top of the buildings could also be streamed down in pipes, or in some way to the vegetation growing and making up the building.
-The explosion of these water storages could be seen as something exciting that happens when a earthquake hits - some sort 'event', like how Ross mentioned the Tsunami walls Jamie is looking into could be like.

I would like to further explore this with animation simulation of how exactly the explosion of these water storage components would play out in an earthquake and also some research to back up why this way could be better.

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