Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tomás Saraceno

While I was searching the web for some inflatable structures to use as inspiration/precedents, I came across an artist named Tomás Saraceno who creates inflatable architecture, luminous installations, kinetic sculptures and suspended gardens. He has a background in architecture and his biospheres work can be seen as alternative, conceptual types of social spaces and habitats for human beings.

What I found interesting about all his work is that they relate very closely to our idea of creating a city with inflatable structures. Although his installations are conceptual, they are a great starting point for us to branch our ideas off of.

"Utopia exists until it is created" - Tomás Saraceno. I found it a little amusing finding this quote after listening to Margaret's lecture today. But I do agree with this statement; judging from the examples that Margret brought up today, Saraceno's quote seems pretty plausible.

Some of Tomás Saraceno's works:

On Air, 2004. - Air under pressure, PVC, humans.

Cumulonimbus, 2006. - Net, PVC, Air under pressure, Humans.

Biospheres, 2009. - Inflatable modules, acrylic, rope, plants, water

'Galaxies forming along filaments, like droplets along the strands of a spider's web,' 2009.

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