Thursday, April 14, 2011

Inflatable protection

i been look at waht are the inflatable protection is already exist and how they works.... i looked at car's air-bag and life jacket, which i found they both are using different material to pump up the bag. With car's air-bag they use some chemincal called sodium azide to make explosion inside the bag and inflate it in a very short time. it will happen or controlled by the crash sensor, which hiden in the steering wheel.

with the lift jacket i found that they were using CO2 cylinder for the inflation.

Automatic life jackets activate when detecting water. Upon detection of water, a firing mechanism will active and pierce a CO2 cylindr. The air coming out of the cylinder will inflate the bladder of the life jacket and creat buoyancy. Manual-only lifejacket are activated by the user by pulling on a toggle or handel to release the air.

Most life jackets use CO2 cylinders as CO2 has proven to be adequate because of its properties of being non-toxic, non-inflammable, and because it can be stored in small disposable cylinders.

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