Saturday, March 12, 2011

Group Philosophy - Refined


Urban Jungle (Gym) believes that Wellington is a friendly, close knit, expressive, community orientated city laced with parks and reserves.

Wellington currently supports and nurtures many digital based companies such as Weta Digital, Sidhe interactive, Ponoko, Trade me, Xero and Resn.

We wish to continue to maintain and grow this strong culture to draw people and companies to Wellington that are expressive, talented, open minded, and willing to progress together with Wellington’s physical and digital future.

As digital technologies advance, Wellintonians will work remotely, meet virtually and businesses will no longer require the permanent physical spaces as we see today.

To do this Urban Jungle Gym plans to conserve and enhance the key qualities of Wellington by developing a recreational area in the current CBD.

We want to develop these abandoned buildings into an organic free-flowing environment that actively recycles the old buildings and incorporates derivatives of natural into exciting new experiences.

Jamie and Jason

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